QuickJS Benchmark


Here are some results on the bench-v8 version 7 benchmark.

Engine QuickJSDukTapeXSMuJSJerryScriptHermesV8 --jitlessV8 (JIT)
Executable size 620K331K1.2M244K211K 27M 28M 28M
Richards 777 218 444 187 238 818103629745
DeltaBlue 761 266 553 245 209 651114365173
Crypto 1061 202 408 113 2551090 88434215
RayTrace 915 4841156 392 286 937298969781
EarleyBoyer 1417 6201175 315 -1728458348254
RegExp 251 156 - 155 - 3352142 7637
Splay 16411389104836.7 -1602430326150
NavierStokes18561003 836 109 3941522137736766
Total score
(w/o RegExp)
1138 468 738 159 -1127188641576
Total score 942 408 - 158 - 968191633640

(Higher scores are better).

Test details

All tested JS engines are interpreters and may run with limited resources. The performance of the V8 engine is also given as a reference for a high performance Javascript engine using just-in-time compilation and optimized for this benchmark.

The bench-v8 source code is provided in the QuickJS tests archive (tests/bench-v8 directory).

The programs were compiled with gcc 4.9.2 on a Fedora 21. They were run on a Core i5 4570 CPU at 3.2 GHz.

The executable size is measured by summing the size of all the resources necessary to run the Engine with the exception of the system C library. For all engines except V8 it consists in a single executable file.

Other Javascript engines can be added on demand provided they can run the benchmark.
